The Master Needs No Midwives


Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. (1 Peter 2:2-3)

The Israelites remained true to God’s Word to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28), even while they were in bondage for more than 400 years in Egypt. In the harsh conditions of that time, bearing children required the services of a midwife, who assisted the mother in the process of giving birth—often cutting the baby’s umbilical cord, washing the infant, and presenting the child to the parents and family. But as absolutely necessary as midwives were in the physical realm of God’s people, the Master has no need of them in the spiritual realm.

Here is why the Master has no need of His disciples playing the role of midwives: We play no role in the birth of the new believer! Salvation belongs to God; it is all of God and His grace. God gives the gift of repentance and faith. God raises the dead to life. As Jesus told Nicodemus, we are born again by the work of the Spirit, not the work of man (John 3:6). God in Christ does it all, with no help from modern midwives. There is no need for any of us to cut the cord, wash the baby Christian, and present the newborn believer to the family of faith.

However, there is a need to step into the life of the baby Christian from the moment after new birth, until his or her last day on this earth. The role of the Christian is to disciple new believers, not deliver them. We are to make ourselves available to God to be used as instruments of sanctification in His mighty right hand. And the first and most important aspect of sanctification is the renewing of the mind, which comes through the reading of Scripture. We are to bring the Word of God to all those we come in contact with. We are to encourage them to be good Bereans, exhorting them to search the Scriptures daily (Acts 17:11).

So . . . how are you doing in the area of helping others grow up in their faith? Remember, the Master has no need for midwives, but He does need willing workers who will bring others through the pages of sacred Scripture. After the new birth, which is solely the work of God, it is our calling to help the believer understand what it means to believe, belong, and become a fully-functioning member of the family of faith.

Biblical truth received and responded to does more than change behavior. It renews the mind, realigns the will, and recalibrates the heart. This is the business of making disciples, which is the call for every believer—not in birthing new Christians, but in growing them to maturity.

This is the Gospel. This is grace for your race. NEVER FORGET THAT . . . AMEN!

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