About Tommy Boland

My Story

I was born in Winthrop, Massachusetts (near Boston). My father was a mail carrier; when I was five years old, Dad could no longer stand the cold winters, so he brought our family to Hollywood, Florida. I graduated from Hollywood Hills High School in 1976.

After two years at Florida State University, I returned home and began working for the Hollywood Fire Rescue Department. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology at Florida International University during that time.

After nearly a decade of service with Hollywood Fire Rescue, I founded the Total Wellness Fitness Center in 1991. My focus was the field of personal development; my mission was to encourage, inspire, and motivate others to live at the peak of their abilities in every area of life.

In 1993, I asked Kim Waddell to marry me and she consented. I am sure that my beloved has often wondered what manner of madness compelled her to say “Yes,” but I can only say how extraordinarily blessed I am that she did. Kim is my closest friend, my chief encourager, and my wisest counselor. Truly, she is my life partner—my helpmeet and my soul mate.

In 1995 God raised Kim and I from death to life, which began our spiritual pilgrimage. This blog is, at least in part, a means of chronicling and sharing that pilgrimage with you.

Tommy’s Bio

Pastor Tommy (affectionately known as “Coach”) currently serves as Senior Pastor of Cross Community Church in Deerfield Beach, FL.  CCC is a church plant of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church where Tommy served as Minister to Men, Marriage, Family and Sports for 10 years. It is his great joy to encourage and equip the body of Christ to grow to maturity. Powerfully and pastorally, Tommy delivers his Grace For The Race message to a world in desperate need of the Gospel.

Tommy began his work in full-time church ministry under his spiritual mentor, pastor, and friend, Dr. D. James Kennedy. Tommy has authored a number of Bible studies and Christian living materials for men, women, and youth that are used as resources throughout the body of Christ. As a pastor, he challenges his congregation to “Gather, Grow, Give, and Go,” making disciples and living lives that are wholly sold-out for Christ. Tommy serves as part of the National Leadership Team for the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), creating curriculum and programming to revitalize Men’s Ministry throughout the denomination.

Pastor Tommy received his Master of Divinity from Knox Theological Seminary and is currently working through Knox’s Doctor of Ministry program. He also holds an undergraduate degree in the field of Exercise Physiology, completing his undergraduate work at Florida State University and Florida International University. Tommy continues to serve in this field, volunteering as a spiritual mentor and coach to the students at Westminster Academy in Fort Lauderdale.

Tommy contributes a monthly article to the Good News Newspaper.

He lives in Fort Lauderdale with his best friend and wife Kim and their four children: Brock, Jenna, Katie and “Tank.”

6 responses to “About Tommy Boland

  1. Scott Kuehne

    I was just listening to your sermon about fairness on Grace FM. Wow! what a powerful message that was, thanks be to God for encouraging you to preach it. I especially liked the part about Jeffery Dahmer and the reason why we should labour in Christ. That’s one every believer and non-believer should hear.


  2. Donna Hahn

    The future has in a store for Tommy a”bigger tent,” by God’s grace. From friends in Christ, Buz & Donna



  4. L

    My dear brother Tommy. You are a beacon of light for many and your work has just begun. I am one of the few privledged ones that enjoy you as a martial arts training and sparring partner. I enjoy the unique opportunity that we share on the mat to express our love for one another with a left hook. Ha! . As I mentioned to you recently, the Cross is the first church I have felt compelled to claim as my own through membership since about 1970 when I joined my first church in Dallas, Texas. Thank you for the beacon of light, thank you for your inspired word and humility, thank you for your deep compassion and spirit. You have shared the miracle of grace with Isabella and myself. I plan to carry this miracle of grace forward to others in my work ahead. With love and sincere gratitude, may God continue to bless your efforts. L

  5. mick22758

    Hey Tommy! This Mike Viola former team mate from your Hollywood Hills 95lbs. optimist league football. That year we crushed all opponents and were Broward County champions – undefeated. You were the middle line backer, tough as nails and stopped everything in front of you. Glory days indeed..

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