No “Help Wanted” Sign Here


I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting. Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame. (Isaiah 50:6-7)

The next time you go by a business with a “Help Wanted” sign out front, let it remind you of today’s word of encouragement: NO “HELP WANTED” SIGN HERE!

The words from the prophet Isaiah point directly to the Messiah who would one day give His life as a ransom for many. In Luke 9:51, we read that Jesus “steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem” (NKJV). He knew what awaited Him there! Jesus would offer His back to the lash; by His stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). The Roman legionnaires would pull out His beard and spit in His face, all the time laughing and mocking Him. Yet at no time did His confidence wane. He trusted in the will of His Father in heaven, and knew He would be victorious in the end.

Did you know that the help the Father gave to the Son, is the same help that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit give to you—not only daily, but moment by moment? Think about the last time you were in need of help. Did you not get the help you needed from your Father in heaven? Perhaps it was not the help you wanted, but make no mistake, it was absolutely the help you needed. God knows what is best for you, and He never gives you less than what is best.

Remember, Jesus suffered and endured the pain and shame you will never have to endure. He who knew no sin became sin and took your place on a cross. The Father poured out His wrath on His Son in your place, causing Jesus to cry out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” And He did this so that you will never be put to shame; you will never be forsaken; you will never be abandoned. Jesus took all of that in your place, and He has promised to provide you all with the help you need, regardless of the cost or circumstance.

Regardless of where this finds you today, God has promised to meet you in your deepest place of need. Set your face like flint and commit yourself fully to the plan and purpose God has for your life, knowing that what He has called you to do, He will help you get it done. With God on your side, does it really matter who or what comes up against you? With omnipotent aid standing ready to fortify you, is there any obstacle too great for you to overcome?

Fear not! Doubt not! Go forth this day in the strength and security of your Savior and remember: There is no “Help Wanted” sign here, because Jesus is all the help you will ever need!

This is the Gospel. This is grace for your race. NEVER FORGET THAT . . . AMEN!

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