Perfect Timing


The revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. (Habakkuk 2:3)

I heard this statement many years ago: “God does not always come when we call on Him, but He is always right on time!” The point is clear. There are times in life when God’s deliverance is delayed, but only “delayed” from our perspective. Our omniscient Lord knows exactly what we need and exactly when we need to receive it. Every one of God’s messages of mercy has its appointed time, and it is only in their appointed time that they will appear and deliver their blessing.

Notice just how Habakkuk set forth this biblical truth. God’s Word is not some “dead letter” that cannot respond to meet us in our place of deepest need. Scripture is living and active; it “speaks” and it “comes” to us, and we can take those two truths to the bank. We must never forget that God’s Word will come and deliver us at God’s appointed time . . . not ours.

Notice also the words from the inspired pen of Habakkuk: “will not prove false.” Every word from our God is true; every promise from God is “Yes” and “Amen” in our Lord Jesus Christ.

So . . . what have you been asking God for lately? Where in your life do you need Him to show up in a big way? Even though the promise of God may seem to “linger,” it will not be lost. And remember, God has a special blessing waiting for you in that season of lingering. You see, God’s perfect timing frequently includes the season of lingering. When God’s blessings linger, we are to lean more into God and away from ourselves. When God’s blessings linger, we learn to trust more in our God, walking by faith rather than by sight.

Wait and watch . . . linger and look . . . to the Faithful One who has set the appointed time—the perfect time—for your ship of blessing to come sailing in.

This is the Gospel. This is grace for your race. NEVER FORGET THAT . . . AMEN!

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