Cosmic Condescension

The Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” (Luke 15:2)

We have much to be thankful for when we consider our salvation. We who deserved it not at all received it by grace, through faith, and we received it from the holy, perfect, and undefiled Son of the Most High God. To be sure, that alone is too much to fully comprehend, even if we thought of nothing else for the rest of our lives.

But there is something that strikes an even sweeter cord of Christ’s cosmic condescension: “This man welcomes sinners!” Think about “THIS MAN” for a few moments, and I think you will agree.

  • THIS MAN who is the eternal God!
  • THIS MAN who created all things!
  • THIS MAN who sits at the right hand of the Father!
  • THIS MAN before whom angels worship with veiled faces!
  • THIS MAN who was and is and is to come!
  • THIS MAN who is the Alpha and Omega!

The list could fill volumes.  Jesus is beyond human comprehension, yet our verse today takes us higher still: “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Let’s take a look at the cosmic condescension of this truth.

#1. He Welcomes Sinners . . .

Jesus’ willingness to mingle with sinners incensed the Pharisees and religious leaders. The driving force in their lives was to remain “clean and undefiled.” According to the Old Testament prescriptions in the Law regarding ritual cleansing; the first step was to stay clear of contact with sinners. The problem was that the Pharisees had perverted the Law by seeing themselves as “clean and undefiled” because of what they did, rather than seeing themselves as “unclean and defiled” because of who they were: sinners in need of a Savior.   

#2. And Eats With Them!

 In the minds of the Pharisees and religious leaders, it was bad for Jesus to welcome sinners, but it was beyond their comprehension why He would actually break bread with them. Eating was a very symbolic act in the ancient world; it meant fellowship and friendship. It was an obvious sign of relationship. The Pharisees and religious leaders simply could not imagine why Jesus would engage in such an intimate act with people whom they considered to be defiled.

What cosmic condescension from our Lord Jesus Christ! Not only did He welcome sinners, people just like you and me, but He offered table fellowship as well. Jesus allowed His reputation to be ruined in the eyes of the “up and in” simply to save the “down and out.” That’s you and me. And that’s also a call for you and me to refuse to stay clear of those who are in desperate need of Christ. We are to love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).

This is the Gospel. This is grace for your race. NEVER FORGET THAT . . . AMEN!

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