So Loved

For God so loved . . . you! (John 3:16)

I have a word of encouragement for you today that can be found in two simple yet profound words: So loved! Think about this for a moment; writing his gospel under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the apostle John could find no better word than “so” to describe the depth of God’s love for you. So regardless of where this finds you today, remember that you are “so loved” by your God. 

“So” truly seems to be the best of all words, because who among us could come close to defining just how loved we are by God? Words cannot describe the kind of love our God has for us in Christ Jesus.  When we lived in sin and cared not for the things of God . . . we were so loved. When we were rebels on the run away from God instead of toward Him . . . we were so loved. When God sent His only beloved Son to take our place on a cross so that our sins could be forgiven . . . we were so loved. When God turned away from His beloved Son as He cried out from that cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” . . . we were so loved. Truly, there is no human definition that adequately describes what it means to be “so loved” by God.

This should be both an encouragement and a comfort for you today. Perhaps you are in a season of struggle. Maybe Satan has been sowing seeds of discouragement in the garden of your mind. Could it be that you have been doubting the security of your place in God’s family of faith?  Regardless of your difficulty or distress, let me exhort you to meditate on and marinate in the truth that the apostle John penned for you 2000 years ago: you are so loved by God — deeply and eternally — right now, right where this finds you. 

I pray that you will live this day and all the days God gives you in light of this truth. Whether the road ahead is filled with jagged potholes of painful providences or is running straight and smooth because of the tender mercies of God, remember that you are “so loved!” Now, that’s a truth that is designed to set you free to be all God is calling you to be.

This is the Gospel. This is grace for your race. NEVER FORGET THAT . . . AMEN!

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